Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Belen and Lucy are changing so fast. Each day they do new things that are so fun to see. Lucy is very sweet to her little sister and is always trying to make her happy. Luckily nothing bad has happened yet by Lucy trying to help her. Belen y Lucy estan cambiando muy rapido. Todos los dias es algo nuevo. Lucy siempre esta tratando de ayudar a su hermanita. Por suerte todo ha salido bien y Lucy no ha lastimado a su hermana. Lucy even have her her blankie to sleep with...now that was a sacrifice! Hasta su mantita le dio Lucy a Belen. Esto es un sacrificio.

We love to watch Belen while she sleeps. She is such a little angel. Nos encanta ver a Belen dormiendo. Es un angel!

This will be heaven for Lucy...2 purses, a crown, and her binki and blankie! Los cielos para Lucy va a ser asi...2 carterras, una corona, y su mantita y chupete.

1 comment:

jami v. said...

mel-what beautiful little girls! :) i can't believe how much little belen has changed! i'm wishing i were still close to hug her! i ranted and raved to jason all about how beautiful she is! :) and i love that lucy is ALL girl - crown, purse and of course, binkies! :)